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FMBB World Championship 2018 - Show + CAC

  • 29.04.2018
  • Goriška cesta 44, 5270 Ajdovščina

Subscriber information:

Saturday: CLUB SHOW with CAC: Regina Bregenzer: malinois females and groenendael Marie-France Varlett: malinois males, tervueren, laekenois Sunday: FMBB SHOW with CAC: Marie-France Varlett: malinois females and groenendael Regina Bregenzer: malinois males, tervueren, laekenois Attention: If participation at both shows, the registration fee is 80 € and the registration fee for the lower priced classes is 50 €.

  • Timezone: Europe/Berlin
  • Registration opening: 10.02.2018 00:00:00
  • Closing date: 02.04.2018 00:00:00
  • Number of participants: 400
  • Discipline: International Show
  • Organizing club: FMBB
  • Address: Goriška cesta 44, 5270 Ajdovščina
  • Breeds: Belgian Shepherd Dog
  • Homepage:

Information entry fee

Directly after the registration the registration fee to be payed.

Registration fee for the FMBB exposition is for all classes: € 50

Exception for the Baby Class, Puppy Class and Veterans class: € 35, 00.

When registered for both expositions, registration fee is 80 €.

Club details:
Športno kinološko društvo Ajdovščina
p.p. 63 (Ustje)
5270 Ajdovščina
SI- Slovenija

Bank details:
IBAN: SI56 6400 0940 1068 224

Bank name:
Primorska Hranilnica Vipava d.d.
Glavni trg 15
5271 Vipava

Entry fee

Price per class

Class Total
Baby Class (3 - 6 months) €35.00
Puppy class (6 - 9 months) €35.00
Junior Class (9 - 18 months) €50.00
Intermediate Class (15 - 24 months) €50.00
Open Class (+ 15 months) €50.00
Working Class (+ FCI certificat) €50.00
Champion Class (+ FCI certificat) €50.00
Breeder Class (+ 9 months) €50.00
Veteran Class (older than 8 years) €35.00

show chairman

Urška Dolenc

 +386 - 31399305

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judges and helpers

FMBB World Championship 2018 - Show + CAC 29.04.2018
Goriška cesta 44, 5270 Ajdovščina